Use cases and sectors of activity


 Traceability and visibility are key issues in the supply chain world. Capturing proof of events and situations improves the transition performance of data flows generated by all the actors in a supply chain.

With Collect and Prove, you dematerialise all your documents that are still in paper format, provide the proof of passage necessary for the operational continuity of the transit while covering your work with probative photos and videos.


When auditing an event, an accident, the evidence is essential to allow all the actors to obtain the maximum of information of confidence on the situation and the place. Collect and Prove collects and transfers the data directly to your services

Avoid the need for your experts to travel when the situation does not strictly require it. Send a Qr code (by email) or a link (by email or sms) to the person concerned on the spot who will collect the photos of the situation which will be transmitted directly to your services.



Eliminate the need for your experts to travel on site to prove that an event or situation related to a funded NGO, Association is taking place.

Finance more projects by limiting travel and accommodation for your teams and allow the funder to obtain indisputable proof of the projects they are financing.

The Collect and Prove application is economical, ecological and guarantees the traceability of each project.



Proof is essential to all QHSE processes.

With Collect and Prove, you allow your customers to obtain indisputable proof of the work of your teams, you dematerialize all your documents still in paper format (certificates, audit, inspection, etc…) and feed your ERP automatically with our API services.

All photos are certified, integrated, time-stamped and geolocated. It therefore allows proof of presence or passage where the stakes are high.


Our clients use it for :

Remote audit/expertise

Raw material, goods, container, vehicle, construction, project

Entry/exit inventory of fixtures

Real estate, automobile, movable property rental

Proof of attendance

Event, loading bay, meeting, general meeting, field actions

Documents dematerialisation

Digital duplicate of paper document, receipt, invoice

PDF report generation

Survey report, pre-filling of CERFA form, inventory of fixtures

Proof of an event

Professional, humanitarian, sports, solidarity, educational, training

Proof of consent

Transfer of responsibility, inventory of fixtures signature

Consistency / compliance check

Conflicting photo evidence, consistency with theoretical data

How to verify a keeexed file ?

All keeexed file embedded an invisible digital passeport that can be control and read by differents ways

Free Web Portal

All Keeexed files can be quickly verify on our free web portal:


Component Integration

Our module verification can be integrated in your own system. The first way consist to give you the same framework that we used on our verification sevices. The second way allow to generate your own design module on our component. Below an example of our iframe component.


Files are processed locally during verification. No data will be transmitted to our servers.
As we like to say: “Don’t trust, verify” ! Do not hesitate to activate the aeroplane mode before checking your files 😉

Contact Us

Pôle Media Belle de Mai, 37 rue Guibal, 13003 Marseille, FRANCE

Monday-Friday: 8am – 5pm

Get Started

Contact us for real test or scan the Qr code below to try existing scenario